Tuesday, September 22, 2009

23 months old

Only a month to go till Eoin turns two and he is turning into a real little boy. He loves anything that flies like 'hairycopters' but trains and fire trucks are still his favorite.

Today marked Eoin's worst tantrum ever! They seem to be getting worse the closer we get to two. He has started to say 'have it' and 'go away' a lot. Oh and 'me do it' is high up there too. We have realized that Eoin is an all or nothing kid. He is either totally happy and a delight to be around or the complete opposite. He loves to let everyone know what mood he is in whether he is excited, happy, frustrated or just plain old mad.

Other developments this month include a developing interest in proper storybooks rather than just baby board books. Eoin will sit and listen to a story for a while now and often wants the same story over and over. His current favorite is 'A Mother for Choco'.

He will also sit for around an hour now and play with crayons and play doh.

Sleep is a huge issue. We think he might need to go back and see his ENT doctor as he sounds like Darth Vader when he sleeps and he is waking up more or less every couple of hours.

But by far the best thing this month is that Eoin can now very clearly say 'I love you Mommy/Daddy' and he normally follows this with a hug (which includes patting your back) and a big kiss! Being Eoin's parents really is the best thing in the world!

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