Saturday, April 4, 2009

Autism Awareness Month

Autism is an issue that runs close to my heart and so I thought I'd just write a small blog entry to remind everyone that it is Autism Awareness Month. Here are some of my favorite links and blogs which talk about everyday life and experiences of being or living with someone who has autism.

Mark made a great music video about growing up and being autistic - so do check it out on You Tube

Autism Speaks -

F.A.C.E.S -
A group of families with children with autism who have banded together to help children reach their full potential by providing Northern California with a resource for early intervention services based on the science of Applied Behavior Analysis, K-12 school and parent consultation, and community education.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting an entry about Autism Awareness Month! Also, thanks for the link you left on my blog. If everyone does their part then soon the world with be much more tolerant of those with all kinds of neurological differences.
    Fellow IAC Alumn
