Wednesday, April 22, 2009

18 months old today

Eoin hit 18 months today. Where has the time gone? It is becoming more and more difficult to catch a good photo of him now as he is always moving or exploring.

I'm not sure what Eoin's stats are at the moment but will update on Friday after his baby checkup but if I had to guess I'd say about 30 lbs and 34 plus inches. Oh one stat I do know is that he has huge feet! Size 8 US or size 7 UK.

Eoin's life at the moment is all about the physical stuff. Throwing and kicking balls, swimming, gymnastics and jumping and climbing on just about everything. He seems to have no fear and last week it all came to a head when one of his crazy jumps broke Mommy's thumb! Because of this crazy activity level Eoin seems happiest playing with kids about a year older than him but of course they aren't always into playing with a younger kid!

The other great development this month is that Eoin will finally sit still long enough to read some books. Sometimes we even get through two or three books.

On the motor skills side Eoin seems to be progressing well but I'm not sure what to gauge it against. He can now lace beads (biggish ones), open and close a zipper, poppers and rather annoyingly his stroller clips. He can feed himself with a fork but not a spoon and is working hard at drinking from a regular cup.

Eoin has started to show some interest in his potty and can tell you where pee-pee comes from. We're not going to push hard on the potty stuff but hopefully by the time he is two we might have made some progress.

Eoins favorite toys at the moment are his fire truck, trains and his sand and water table. Eoin's speech is great. We can now really understand him and he is communicating his needs and feelings very well!

Challenges are still him learning to be gentle, not hitting and not throwing things.

I wonder what changes we'll see in the run up to two years old?

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