Monday, March 23, 2009

Eoin's favorite books....

We have to read this book over and over again! Eoin loves the first page with the ten little babies and if there is a picture of a sleeping baby he is so cute and holds his finger to his lips and says 'sshhhhh' and then kisses the baby.
Later in the book there is a baby boy learning to walk and he looks just like Eoin. Eoin is fascinated by this page and sometimes looks and says 'Eoin'.

Eoin loves this one for two main reasons -one there is a picture of the little boy in the bath with big floating bubbles all around him. Eoin and Daddy blow bubbles every night and Eoin's new word is 'big bubble'.
The second reason I think Eoin loves this book is the wonderful yet simple pictures. He loves to point to the little boys eyes and the teddy's nose.

Any of the Usborne touchy feely books are a hit with Eoin but at the moment this is a big favorite because Eoin can now say 'airplane' and he is constantly looking up into the sky and shouting at the planes.

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