Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Nine months old today

So Eoin is now nine months old. He weighed in today at 24 lbs 12 oz and is still 30.5 inches long.
He passed his nine month check up with flying colors. He could do everything on the list apart from find a hidden object but we're working on that one.

So what has changed in the last month - well Eoin is now crawling big time. Still mainly commando crawling but he does do all fours sometimes. He has started to pull up on the furniture and loves to stand up holding onto his crib. One of his favorite games is to be chased round the house. If we chase him he crawls quickly to get somewhere and 'hide' normally in his tunnel or under the dining table. Eoin loves to crawl under things; at the doctors office today he thought he was in heaven as there were long rows of chairs he could crawl under.

Eoin can now get himself into a seated position from lying down or just about any position now and he knows that this is the best position to play with most of his toys. His favorite toys are anything that he can bang or make noise with like his drum, piano, xylophone and metal bowls.

Food wise I think we've gone a little backwards. After Eoin had that horrible bout of tummy flu he really lost most of his interest in solid food so we are having to work at that again however he does love finger food and will gladly munch on cheerios, bread sticks, garlic bread, French fries, waffles, pasta in fact just about that isn't slimy and he can pick up
(though it has to be added, he will always eat guacamole and Mommy's bolognese sauce).

Eoin's speech and sounds are developing really quickly. We now have ma, da, ra, ga, ha, ba and he is getting there with s. He still loves to blow raspberries and click his tongue. He understands some words now like up, clap, bounce, milk, kiss and walk.

Eoin has really started to show affection. He will crawl over to you and plant a big open mouth kiss on your face or leg. He will also seek you out if he wants a hug and a kiss. It's so great to know that he gets who we are and that he is happy to have us as his Mommy and Daddy.

The other side of learning about emotions is that Eoin gets frustrated easily. When this happens he justs sits down and squeals and puts his arms out in front of him and 'revs his motorbike' well that's what it looks like, hands in fists and rotating them inwards.

Although we were doing well on the sleep that has stopped and Eoin is waking up once or twice a night probably because his top front teeth are coming in. His bottom two are in already and he is having fun using them! But on the plus side he is taking his naps in his crib now.

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