Saturday, July 5, 2008

Mr Mischief

Eoin is such a boy and so mischievous! He is getting into everything at the moment. He totally freaked us out the other day as he had gone quiet and we couldn't find him. He had crawled right up into the furthest corner under his crib and was just lying there reading a book. This seems to have turned into a little habit - hey everyone needs a little space and downtime right!?

Although not crawling on all fours yet (so close though) Eoin is getting round the house at some speed and loves to crawl under the dining room table and find forgotten cheerios. We also found him chasing a spider the other day. It went under the rug and Eoin cleverly lifted up the carpet to get at it.

We've also learned that Eoin is a very strong boy! He is using his full 25lbs to kick things. He almost knocked over his nightstand the other day and he loves to lie under his rocking chair and push it upwards with is feet. So needless to say we have done some more baby proofing.

Eoin is fascinated by springs. He spends ages just playing with the little spring door stoppers and also the spring on his rocking chair (don't worry all have been inspected and are safe!). His other favorite trick at the moment is to try and stand up in the bath. He doesn't pull himself up anywhere else but the bath - poor Daddy has his hands full ever bath time.

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