Saturday, November 1, 2008

Slow down dude!

Eoin has astounded us with his development in the last two weeks. First of all he is walking round like a pro now and can walk a good block to the park (though it takes 20 minutes because he has to stop and look at every leaf and crack!).

But what has really got us excited is the development of his speech and fine motor skills. Eoin has really gotten in to his puzzles and can get the shapes out and then back in.

He is mimicking everything we do whether it be putting something on our head or doing something like lying down.
Eoin's speech development is huge. Yesterday when trying full milk for the first time he said 'Yucky' and when given it again he said 'yucky no'. Tonight he looked at me and said mommy clear as day over and over again. He can also say cat, dog, woof, daddy, out, up, park, ball and balloon. We're working on drink, milk and down.

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