Thursday, October 23, 2008

Becoming a toddler

So Eoin has become a toddler and one year old! He had his one year check up today and passed with flying colors. Eoin is 32 inches long and has stayed at 27 lbs and his head is 47 cm. (For you guys back home that's 12.219 kg and 2ft 8inches or 81.28 cm.)
So that puts him on 98 percentile for height and for the first time in a long time he has dropped below the 95 percentile for weight and is now on the 93 percentile. He head remains on the 75 percentile.

His visit with the doctors was ok - we love our doctor and he only got two shots today as we are spacing out his shots but he also had to have a blood test and that made him cry. He sat on my knee and was very good. I started to sing Twinkle Twinkle to him thinking it might help him but in all honesty it was more to help me and distract me from seeing our little guy in pain! Even though Eoin has only had two shots (mumps and HIB) he is starting to run a temp again but much lower than previous vacation times and we don't have the angry red swollen legs or the constant crying.

The biggest change this month obviously is that Eoin is now walking. He can walk about a block to the park and is darting all over the house. Touch wood though he has yet to show any interest in climbing on things.

In the last couple of days Eoin's top teeth have finally broken through and there are two more not far behind.

We've started to transition Eoin from formula to milk so right now he gets half and half although the milk is making him really constipated. Our doctor has suggested trying a lower fat milk though prune juice is helping for now. Eoin is now drinking his milk from a sippy cup rather than a bottle nipple. We use Born Free bottles and just love that the sippy cup spouts fit in the bottles so we don't have to spend a fortune replacing all the bottles with a sippy cup.

Eoin really is beginning to express himself both verbally and physically in showing his emotions. Now that he is walking if we try and get him to go somewhere he doesn't want to he'll just sit down and not budge and there are also the beginnings of tantrums. On the flip side Eoin is very affectionate and loves to give kisses. He has also started to be 'shy' when he meets someone new. He gives them a little smile and then buries his head in my shoulder.

He has developed a fascination with wind chimes and knows every house around us that has one. Eoin is also fascinated by airplanes and helicopters and always stops and looks for it in the sky when he hears one.

Eoin still loves music and has a couple of favorite songs that he likes to dance too. He still plays his piano and recorder and now he has drums and musical bells.

Being parents is great and we can't get over how quickly the last year has gone by. I wish we could slow it down a little but we just have to enjoy ever minute and be present in the moments good and bad. I wonder what we'll be typing this time next year!

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