Friday, December 20, 2013

Where did December go?

Christmas Eve in California
December is over and I have so much to blog about and right now not enough time. Quick synopsis I continue to be cancer free but I have a couple of nodes that are being watched so I am still on three month check ups and six month scans. My autoimmune issues are flaring up but nothing I can't control. I continue to love volunteering at Eoin's school and have taken on the huge task of coordinating the schools silent auction.

Andy has now worked at Apple for one year. He loves the work and is being challenged which he loves. He continues to be an amazingly supportive and loving husband and Dad.

December for Eoin has seen many changes particularly at school. Eoin continued to have a hard time at school because of his Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). His school and the school district are being incredible and after hours of meetings we have all settled on a plan. His school day has been shortened to three hours and he has a full time aide for two of those hours. A behavioral plan has been implemented with a reward system that Eoin responds to. He now has increased time with the Occupational Therapist, School Psychologist and the Speech and Language Therapist who teaches him social skills.

Exploring the giant redwoods in Big Basin.

Over the coming weeks I will blog more about the different aspects of SPD and the programs and skills we are using to help Eoin but for now it is time to enjoy two weeks of family time and to celebrate Christmas.

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