Sunday, November 3, 2013

Tales of Logic

Eoin designing his Grecian Urn. Note sensory toy is close at hand.
These last two weeks have been interesting for Eoin at school.

There are three tales of logic that stand out.

1. Eoin is in one toilet stall and a little girl is in the next one (mixed bathroom). The little girl puts her coat on the ground and Eoin reaches under the stall to get it. He then tries to flush the jacket down the toilet!!!
When asked why he would do such a thing he replied - "when you flush the toilet it swirls like a washing machine. The little girls jacket was dirty from being on the floor so I wanted to see if I could wash it and be helpful.

2. The kids are coming out of their classroom at the end of the day. A couple stopped and told me that Eoin had cut his pants. So here comes Eoin with one leg of his jeans torn wide open top to bottom (brand new jeans too!). I asked him what in the world had happened. "Well I cut a small hole and then I ripped it". Why? Well he was hot and the jeans were slim leg and he couldn't roll them up.
Eoin's VIP poster for school

And finally -
Homework one evening was to draw a bar graph of your family's favorite apples e.g. golden delicious. Eoin sat very well and drew his bar graph along with the pictures of the apples. Mommy's favorite apple was an IPad, Daddy's was an IPhone and Eoin's was an IPod.

We can't wait to see what this week brings!

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