Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tick Tock

A package from Ireland arrived today for Eoin. He was super excited when I told him it was from Grandma and Grandad. It was opened fast and turned into a fun and educational hour or so.

Eoin had received a build your own clock. We spent much time exploring how the cogs fit together and how some moved quickly and others slowly. Then we got to build the alarm - that was exploration into how one metal piece banged against another makes interesting noises.

Once the clock was built we had to revisit the pendulum as it wasn't quite working. With it working probably Eoin discovered that our clock was running fast by comparing with the kitchen clock. So we adjusted the pendulum and now have a clock that keeps resonable time.

Then it was a quick dash up to his friends house to show off the clock that he had built. That resulted in the clock needing to be built again much to everyone's awe and smiles.

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