Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Pathology is back .......

.... and it is better news than we had been led to believe.
So I have extensive stage four papillary cancer that is a rare type called a 'variant of solid papillary cancer'.. It has many similar characteristics to poorly differentiated cancer hence the mix up (but which also makes us really really hope that they have it right this time!!!)
The treatment for this type of thyroid cancer is still controversial and seems to differ depending on doctor but the good news is in most cases it is radioactive iodine receptive. We will know tomorrow if we need to go to Texas MD Anderson.  I start the low iodine diet on Monday which means coming off my thyroid meds so I will feel pretty yucky but this is in preparation for scans and treatment and so it must be done.

We have the most amazing team of doctors looking after us. We are thankful that they are treating us as a family - considering how things will effect Andy and Eoin not just me. It is so refreshing to have doctors who see you as a person and not just an illness!

Thank you all for all your thoughts, prayers, friendship, love and food :-) We will keep you updated as we progress on this crazy journey.


  1. I know you'll come through with flying colors! And you have your beautiful son to make it all that much easier...Hugs!

  2. Thinking of you, and sending lots of healthy, healing wishes!
