Monday, September 22, 2008

11 months old!

Another month has passed and we are quickly approaching the big first birthday (A big happy birthday to James who is one today!).

So not sure how heavy Eoin is now but I don't think he has gained much weight. He is much thinner and a little taller. He is now in 18-24 month pants and tops.

This last month has really seen the baby Eoin disappear and the little boy Eoin appear! He has likes and dislikes, favorite toys and books and of course favorite people. Our friends Liz and her little boy Max and very high up on his favorite people. His favorite toy is well anything he can push and walk behind. Every food seems to be a favorite (apart from bananas!).

Just this last week Eoin's use of words has exploded! He can clearly say (when he wants to that is) Daddy, Up and Ball. Otherwise he is generally just babbling away. When we are out Eoin loves to watch airplanes and always looks up and points and shouts at the plane going by.

Other little developments are drinking through a straw which of course also comes with blowing bubbles in his drink; rubbing his hands together when we wash them; throwing a ball and finally learning (a little) to be gentle with smaller kids.

Eoin continues to be super affectionate and kisses and hugs everyone including pictures of babies in his storybooks.

Eoin still only has his bottom two teeth but the top four look like they will be here any day now. He continues to stick his tongue out all the time (which is great because that means no surgery!) and he has worked out that blowing raspberries with yogurt in his mouth is great fun.

On the parenting front we are loving it but get caught out all the time when we are trying to be serious with Eoin but can't keep a straight face because he is being so funny or sweet. For example when Eoin squeals, which is ear piercing, we come down to his level hold his hands and say 'no squealing' however clever little boy worked out after about a week of this consistent no squealing that he only needed to lean forward and plant a big wet kiss on our face to make us smile and lose the serious face and voice. It's the same when he blows raspberries with yogurt in his mouth - it makes such a mess but is so funny!
What's left to tell you all about. Oh I guess sleep. Well we are down to two naps a day but he is still for the most part napping on us during the day. Not ideal but he is a happier baby as he sleeps longer (which also makes happier parents!) and I get to catch up on Project Runway and Grey's Anatomy. At night (well a good night) he now goes down between 6.30 and 7pm and wakes once during the night around 2am and then sleeps through till about 6.30am.

And the last update is that we have started doing family dinners. We aim to all eat together at least twice during the weekdays and always at the weekends. Eoin eats more and it's just fun to sit down as a family and eat together.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness...just wait until Eoin is a little older. Sometimes when I begin to scold Benjamin for something (or he knows I am about to) he looks at me with his big eyes and says "I LOVE you Mommy!" Oh how they love to manipulate us parents! And the family dinners are great! We used to eat dinner in front of the t.v. Now we sit at the table, all together, with music playing and talk about our favorite part of the day. Dinner is one of my favorite times!

    Cindy Huff
    IAC Alumni
