Monday, March 10, 2008

Nap time

This week's task is to teach Eoin to take his naps on his own and not in Mommy's arms. So today was the beginning of 'independent nap boot camp'.

Eoin's first nap of the day was in his stroller as we had errands to run but right now he is in his crib asleep (well he keeps stirring but he is asleep for the most part). I downloaded some white noise and that is playing on a loop on his IPod, he has his blankee and dumbly (Pomianowski name for a pacifier) and so I hope now that he is asleep he will get at least an hour. Mind he complained for half and hour before he feel asleep. What did it in the end was that I stroked his nose for five minutes and that helped him drop off.

Once he has nap time in his crib down we will start thinking about moving him in there for the night but one step at a time!

I don't know if this is going to be harder for him or me - I loved having all that cuddle time but it was just becoming very impractical. Right he is stirring again so off to settle him down again.

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