Monday, November 12, 2007

Eoin & Sappho

Sappho is so great with Eoin; if he really starts to cry she comes running to make sure he is ok. And she's taken to trying to groom the little fella but Mommy and Daddy are mean and won't let her (never mind her tongue is like sandpaper!).

Now our other cat Seamus is nowhere to be seen when Eoin cries. He has taken to living under our bed and only comes out for food.

1 comment:

  1. One of our cats used to love to "pet" herself on Hannah's head whenever she was laying on the floor. She would walk up to Hannah, duck her head down and then push it all the way across her head and end up on her back purring like crazy! It was one of the funniest things to watch, but I always tried to stop her since I was paranoid about Hannah's soft spot! That's a first time mom for you huh?
    Fellow IAC alumn
